Full Name
Elisabeth Buergi Bonanomi
phd, Senior Research Scientist, Co-Head Sustainability Governance
Which organization do you represent?
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Elisabeth Buergi Bonanomi (Dr. iur, attorney at law) is co-heading the impact area ‘Sustainability Governance’ at the Centre for Development and Environment CDE, University of Bern, Switzerland. She is senior lecturer in law & sustainability at the law faculty and senior researcher scientist at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). Her expertise is in trade and sustainability; sustainability impact assessments of trade regulation; illicit financial flows in commodity trade; sustainable trade in agriculture; as well as due diligence governance of transnational business enterprises. Among others, she is leading the SNF-financed research project ‘Sustainable Trade Relations for Diversified Food Systems’: http://www.nfp73.ch/en/projects/governance/sustainable-trade-relations-for-diversified-food-systems
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