Full Name
Stefania Lovo
Associate Professor
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University of Reading
I am an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Reading. My research interests are in development economics, environmental economics, political economy, and policy impact evaluation. In particular, I have studied how deforestation interacts with ethnic diversity and institutional quality, how tenure insecurity, climate shocks and crop choices affect individual and household welfare and how environmental policies and decentralisation impact on firm location, international trade and firm performance. I am also a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Globalisation Research (Queen Mary), a Senior Research Associate of LSE Consulting, and a member of the Trade Policy Hub at the LSE. I have collaborated with the World Bank, WWF-UK, and the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission to assess the environmental impacts of EU trade agreements. As part of this latter role, Stefania has investigated how free trade agreements between the EU and various trading partners, including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Mercosur, can affect GHG emissions, energy use, land use, resource use and efficiency, waste production and ecosystems and biodiversity. Stefania holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sussex and a PhD in Economics and Finance from the University of Verona.
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