Full Name
Abhijit Das
Professor & Head
Which organization do you represent?
Centre for WTO Studies
Prof. Abhijit Das is the Head of the Centre for WTO Studies, New Delhi. He has two decades of experience in international trade in various capacities, including five years in the Government of India. He has participated directly in many multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations, including the Doha Round at the WTO and OECD Steel Subsidy negotiations. He worked in UNCTAD India Programme during 2005-10 and headed this prestigious UN project for three years. He has jointly edited the following books on WTO and international trade - (i) WTO Dispute Settlement at Twenty: Insiders’ Reflections on India’s Participation; (ii) Twenty Years of India’s Trade Liberalisation: Experiences and Lessons and (iii) Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A framework for future trade rules?. He is a regular commentator in the media on issues related to WTO and international trade. At the invitation of international organisations and governments, he has been a speaker on WTO issues in more than 20 countries.
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