FAO’s Roadmap to Achieving SDG 2 Under the 1.5 °C Threshold: The role of trade and international coordination

At COP28, FAO launched a global roadmap to achieving SDG 2 under the 1.5 °C threshold. Rooted in the urgency of the situation on the front of food security and nutrition, and climate actions, it shows that a joint agenda is not only needed but possible. It outlines a comprehensive strategy spanning the next three years that encompasses a diverse portfolio of solutions across ten distinct domains of action: clean energy, crops, fisheries and aquaculture, food loss and waste, forests and wetlands, healthy diets, livestock, soil and water, and data and inclusive policies.

International coordination will be crucial to deliver solutions at scale and in an efficient way, and international trade will play a critical role in delivering food security and nutrition goals as well as achieving mitigation, adaptation, and resilience outcomes. Due to existing differences in agricultural productivity, dietary patterns and emissions intensity, agricultural trade provides opportunities to better allocation production and consumption around the world. However, existing comparative advantages will be shifted under the pressure of climate change, technological evolutions, and climate policies. To ensure that inequalities, across and within countries, are reduced in the process and not accrued, coordinated public action is required. Indeed, achieving Just Transition at a global scale will be needed to tackle food insecurity and malnutrition but also addressing the political economy tensions that will undermine any transformative efforts, and future social stability.

This exchange with FAO experts and high-level policy makers, will show that many of the 120 actions considered in the Roadmap have implications for the global trading system, and its rules. It will discuss how the WTO agenda should foster and enable the implementation of the roadmap. This dialogue will also feed into the multi-year process put in place by FAO to update the Roadmap and adapt to regional context and the needs of specific stakeholders.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Room C
Event Theme
2. Trade Rules to Protect the Natural World: How do we allocate the burden of change?
David Laborde Alice Tipping