Karim Dostmohamed - COLEACP
Angela Francis - WWF
Colette van der Ven - TULIP Consulting
Lorena Jaramillo - UNCTAD

In light of rising global environmental challenges, the need to transition to a more sustainable global system of consumption and production lies at hand. However, the adoption of diverging policy responses raises challenges from a trade perspective, and risks undermining producers from vulnerable developing countries and LDCs.
In this context, this panel explores how a global environmental minimum standard at the WTO, similar to the Codex Alimentarius for Food Safety, could promote sustainable trade system in an inclusive manner.
In doing so, panelists will explore the following questions: How could the development of an environmental minimum standards at the WTO help minimize barriers to trade while supporting a transition to a sustainable global trade system? What opportunities and challenges arise, in particular for vulnerable producers from developing countries and LDCs? And finally: what could next steps be to commence such a process in an inclusive manner?