Isabel Jarrett - The Pew Charitable Trusts
Mikael Anzén - MFA
Gustav Brink - Trade Remedies Unlimited
Maren Headley - Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat

Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are striving to clinch a long-awaited deal on fisheries subsidies at the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the global trade body. If agreed, meaningful new rules would support a much-needed transition towards more sustainable fisheries across the globe, with tangible benefits for the environment, but most importantly for the countless people and communities who depend on healthy marine resources for jobs, income, and food. For this success story to materialize, WTO members will need both to find consensus on the shape of the new disciplines and to take action domestically to give effect to their new commitments.
This virtual session will start with a brief discussion of the state of play in the development of the agreement, considering its impact on inequality in the fisheries sector and social inclusion in fishing communities. It will then focus on the question of the support needed by, and available to developing country Members to prepare for implementation. Experts will present a self-assessment tool developed by teams at IISD and Pew, with consultants, to help developing country WTO Members assess their readiness to implement the new obligations and articulate needs for support where there are any. The tool is developed with the support of the Pew Charitable Trusts, Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and GIZ.