Can climate change-related subsidies be reconciled with the principles of the world trading system?
The St Gallen Endowment and the University of St. Gallen

Subsidies whose stated purpose is to advance the clean energy transition but which in practice protect domestic producers have already caused significant trade tensions. As the investments necessary to transition the globe to renewable energy are scaled up, the risk of further discord cannot be ruled out. This session will explore what types of state intervention in support of the clean energy transition can be reconciled with the rules, but also the principles, of the multilateral trading system, a bedrock of our common prosperity. Experts from distinct perspectives will brainstorm operating principles for climate subsidies that could command broad support among WTO members.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Room A
Event Theme
1. Climate Action, Industrial Policy, and Subsidies: Are we spending wisely?
Daniel Esty Ignacio GARCIA BERCERO Tatiana Prazeres Simon Evenett